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IKEA China suppliers have reached full IWAY60 on 31 August, 2012
It is our honor to announce that IKEA China suppliers have reached full IWAY60 on 31 August, 2012. We would like to congratulate our China suppliers’ outstanding achievements.
Dear supplier,
It is our honor to announce that IKEA China suppliers have reached full IWAY60 on 31 August, 2012. We would like to congratulate our China suppliers’ outstanding achievements. You have made difference for hundreds of thousands Chinese workers by securing better working conditions, healthy working hours, and their benefits.
This is not a simple journey. Many of the factory owners have faced challenges from various areas. During this process, some of the suppliers have chosen to keep their own pace and terminated collaboration with IKEA. The majority have overcome the difficulties through their commitment and entrepreneur spirit. You have led a sustainable direction for business growth and good environment.
Sustainable development is the focus for China. The 12th Five Year plan has created a clear and strong platform for China’s future industrial development direction. This is also IKEA’s vision, “to be the leader in life at home”. IWAY is the precondition for IKEA business. IWAY will contribute to efficient business growth and competitiveness with a well managed clean factory and motivated and competent workers.
IWAY60 is the first step towards full compliance of China labor law. IKEA will continue to support China suppliers for a stable implementation. We believe in full transparency and collaborations with stakeholders to empower the Chinese suppliers for further steps towards this direction through a development approach.
Peter Wisbeck
Trading Area Manager,
Trading Area Greater China,