Fresh home furnishing ideas and affordable furniture - IKEA
How to get privacy in a shared room
Most of us think of the living room as a social space. But sometimes it’s nice to step aside and hang out in your own little me-space – reading a book, scrolling your phone or just having a nap. Some curtains and a few extras for convenience can turn a regular armchair or chaise longue into a perfect cocoon.
Just draw the curtains
Sound-absorbing curtains make great room dividers for screening off the clutter of the rest of the room and getting instant privacy. Put your headphones on and it’s even easier shutting the rest of the world outside.
Everything you need at hand
It’s always good to have some place to put drinks, snacks and other stuff – like your tablet stand so you can watch films hands-free. It’s also smart for parking your gear when it’s not in use. Now, where’s the nearest socket for charging?
Chaise longue cosiness
Of course, choosing a comfy chaise longue or armchair is completely central to an inviting cosy corner, to simply sink into, relax and re-energise. A heavy blanket gets you even more comfortable – perhaps enough to nod off.
Candles and plants to set off your senses
Perhaps it’s just your humble little corner of the world – but that’s no reason not to give it a really nice atmosphere. Some plants and decorations you like, a few scented candles, a nice cup of tea and a good read. That’s the stuff.