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Plant-based mince loaf with mashed potatoes and classic Swedish sides

Garlic-spiced plant-based mince loaf served with creamy mashed potatoes and classic Swedish sides like cream sauce, lingonberries and pickled cucumber.

Serves: 4 | Time: 20 minutes



ALLEMANSRÄTTEN mix for cream sauce

ALLEMANSRÄTTEN mashed potatoes

Mince loaf

750 g VÄRLDSKLOK shapeable

plant mince

1 brown onion

1 pressed garlic clove

1 tsp. dried rosemary

2 tsp. Dijon mustard

0.5 tsp. black pepper

1 tsp. salt

SMAKRIK rapeseed oil for frying

Sweetened lingonberries

250 g frozen lingonberries

0.5 dl powdered sugar

Pickled cucumber

0.5 dl vinegar

3.5 dl water

2.5 tbsp. sugar

1 cucumber

1 pinch of salt

2 tbsp. finely chopped parsley

Step by step:

Mince loaf

  1. Thaw and spread out the mince on a platter for about 30 minutes, it should not have time to reach room temperature.
  2. Set the oven to 225℃.
  3. Finely chop the onion and fry in rapeseed oil until soft.
  4. Mix the minced meat with the other ingredients and form a loaf (with wet hands) on a sheet of baking paper.
  5. Bake it in the middle of the oven for about 20 minutes until it has a nice colour and feels firm.
  6. Prepare the mashed potatoes and the cream sauce by using the instructions on the package.


Sweetened lingonberries

  1. Put the lingonberries in a bowl, sprinkle over the sugar and stir until the sugar has dissolved and the lingonberries have thawed.


Pickled cucumber

  1. Mix the vinegar, water and sugar, stirring until the sugar has dissolved.
  2. Slice the cucumber thinly, preferably with a mandolin.
  3. Put the cucumber in the mixture, add the salt and parsley. Rest for at least 30 minutes before serving.

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