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Cook outdoors in all seasons

Meet IKEA designer Henrik Preutz, who barbecues all year round at his home in Älmhult, Sweden. ‘Winter barbecues are not common in Sweden but I like to eat outdoors whatever the weather,’ says Henrik. ‘I sit inside an office all day, so I try to be outside as much as possible. I built this big terrace, so why not use it?’ Curious to see the rest of Henrik’s home? Click here.

Never too many cooks

Get everyone cooking together at the barbecue. It keeps you warm and it’s fun! Don’t feel the pressure to have everything ready when people arrive. Barbecues are naturally communal, so make cooking part of the party.

Share the memories

Throw a truly social party – create a hashtag for your event so that it’s easy for all your guests to find each other’s photos online. You could even send your next invites out via
social media, by tagging your guests in a photo.

Set a sociable table

Outdoor dining means relaxed dining. Simply stack crockery in the middle of the table and let everyone grab their own plates and glasses. Serve food in big sharing bowls so your guests can help themselves – and go back for seconds!

Weatherproof your crockery

Warm up your plates and mugs in the oven beforehand and use lids to keep drinks hotter for longer. Cork is a great insulator – the IKEA 365+ cork coaster doubles as a lid for the IKEA 365+ mug.

Wrap up yourself and your seating

The golden rule to winter barbecues is to make sure everyone feels warm. That means dressing for the occasion and covering chairs with sheepskins and throws for guests to wrap up in while they eat. And be flexible. ‘Some days we cook and eat outside. Some days it’s so cold we move back inside and eat at the dining table,’ says Henrik.

As much as possible is cooked on the barbecue – meat, fish, marinated chicken, vegetables. I like asparagus with smoky chargrilled lemons – the perfect accompaniment
Henrik, IKEA designer, Sweden

Made by

Styling: Abigail Edwards
Photography: Polly Wreford

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