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5 ways to tame the weekday rush hour

Whether it’s back to school or just back to routine, the working week can leave our home’s coming and going areas with some major congestion. Here’s how to keep them running smoothly no matter how busy your household.

1. A good start to help out with stressful departures is to set up a weekly planner so everyone know’s what’s planned for the day. We made this one with tape and whiteboard paint and made sure to have a place for smartphone charging too.

2. If your home is anything like ours, you’ll know that shoes have a way of finding their way over the floor, even if you have racks to store them in. We used baskets that roll out here so that shoes can be kicked off super easily and a bench to help out putting them on again.

3. School bags are another one of those items that tend to be dumped on arrival. One solution is to make a bag packing and unpacking station. This one uses a hook for the bag itself, a locker for books and a board for sticking up notes or homework to take back to school.

4. Whether it’s sunhat or sweater weather, a height adjustable spot for each family members clothes makes sure they’re easy to find. While baskets below for keys, phones, wallets or teddybears solve the “Have you checked in your bedroom?” dilemma.

5. This tip could prove to be the most popular! By hanging a basket with lunches at the ready by the door, your household can take as they go out. On the flipside if you keep some snacks there for home time, you’ll save yourself from the “but I’m starving!” too.

Made by

Interior designer: Fredrik Biel
Photographer: Kimme Persson

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